Roth Family Orchard
Simply great cherries from magical Mudgee2024 CHERRY SEASON
Packed cherries are available for sale at the orchard from 7:30am until around 5pm whilst cherry season is in swing.
Pick your own is now open every morning until Sunday 22 December. Please click the red button at left for details and to book online.
We do not open for pick your own in the afternoons on hot days – it’s no fun for you and not great for the quality of the cherries to be picked hot.
Employment: Work Available for 2024 season
Experienced cherry picking and pruning staff are encouraged to contact us regarding work during cherry season. Please use the contact page for more information.
KIRSEBÆR SOVS Danish cherry sauce
A few people have asked me for this recipe. Any Dane knows it well as the traditional Danish Christmas dessert is this cherry sauce served over a rice and almond and cream pudding (risalamande). There's one whole almond in the pudding and whoever is lucky enough to...
Morello Sour Cherries Picking Now
Our Morellos sour cherry trees were planted after many requests from visitors to the orchard. I'm so glad we did!  I am really loving the morello sour cherries and the many uses for them. A very different fruit, super sour, packed with flavour and goodness and oh so...
Blue Mountains / Parramatta Cherry Express Run will be Tuesday 17 December. Fresh Sweet Cherries and Morello Sour Cherries picked from our family orchard. Pick up points: Katoomba, 11.30 -12.00 Springwood, 12.30 12.45 Glenbrook 1.00 – 2.00 North Parramatta - 4:30 –...
Bookings are open for Cherry Picking
Cherry season is now open at Roth Family Orchard Mudgee. For more details and to make a booking online click here
Budburst early in 2024
Cherry buds are ready to burst into blossom. It's so amazing to watch the dormant buds swell, slowly unfurl and then suddenly pop into bloom. This is earlier than usual with this early spring in Mudgee Region. Apricots have already blossomed and fruit is starting to...